Forthcoming webinars: 30th Jul & 1st Aug - Streamline your creative review process

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GoProof's Key Feature Stack

Adobe Creative Cloud integration

GoProof two-way extension panel.
Copy editor for text amends on proofs.
Send multiple pages for review.
Send page ranges.
Attach original .indd file with proof.
Auto-share PDF with proof.
Attach other files with proof.
Hi-res proofing.
Logging of time spent on changes.
Proof sender status on changes.
Zoom into markups inside add-on.
Reject change requests and give reasons.
GoProof two-way extension panel.
Hi-res proofing.
Logging of time spent on changes.
Proof sender status on changes.
Zoom into markups inside add-on.
Reject change requests and give reasons.
GoProof two-way extension panel.
Copy editor for text amends on proofs.
Multiple artboards.
Hi-res proofing.
Logging of time spent on changes.
Proof sender status on changes.
Change artboards from page numbers to names.
Zoom into markups inside add-on.
Reject change requests and give reasons.
GoProof two-way extension panel
Logging of time spent on changes.
Proof sender status on changes.
Reject change requests and give reasons

GoProof Users

Upload and manage content.
Convert a collaborator to a member (admin only).
Request or remove licences (admin only).
Assign proof senders to projects.
Give proof senders specific project roles.
Unlimited reviewers & guests.
No Adobe licences required.
Observer role.
Reviewer role.
Gatekeeper role.
Custom avatars.
Update dashboard theme.
Dark & light mode.
Change collaborator roles.
Change to administrator role.

Proofing and Storage

File uploader.
One shared proof for everyone.
Send whole projects for proof together.
Version history.
Automatic version control.
Version comparing.
Comment threads.
Request changes on proofs.
Sign off proofs.
Fast track sign off.
Website proofing.
Side-by-side comparison.
@Mentioning in comments.
Change proofing tool colours.
Drag to relocate comment markers.
Change range on video timeline.
Collaborator engagement status.
Sharing additional files with the proof.
Custom page numbering.
Page spread view with thumbnails.
Activity timeline for proofing updates.
Text Editor.
Push Pin / Thumb Tack.
Tick / Check Mark.
Text selection.
Drag document.
Drag timeline.
Play / Pause.
Page spread view.
Page flipper view.
Toggle view history.
Show / Hide comments on proof.
Skip to next comment.
Volume control.
Time stamps on comments.
Flexible storage options.
Delete work.
Archive work.
Restore work.


Proof dashboard for reviewers.
Table, kanban & calendar view for members & guests.
Client and project hierarchy.
Automated proofing workflows.
Deadlines & reminders.
Automated actions when deadline passes.
Insights reporting dashboard.
View and delete comment attachments.
Search & filtering on dashboard, kanban, table and calendar views.

Notification email message content.
Own-branded email templates.
Language translation.
Own subdomain.
Dark mode compatibility on emails.


Unlimited reviewers & guests.
iOS and Android mobile app.
Manager workflow.
Choose custom managers on projects.
Separate teams for segregated reviewing.
Save collaborator groups.
Notification emails.
Desktop notifications.
Personalise invitation email content.
Copy editor for text amends.
Nudge collaborators.
Project level chat.
Job level chat.

Add attachments to comments.
Download attachments from members.
Print off the proof with comments.
Mark the status of comments.
Designer name against changes made.
Sort comments by person, page and more.
Replace an active proof with a new one.
Preview and sign off proof from email.
Generate share links for Slack, Asana and other web apps

Customer Support

Live chat.
Video tutorials.
Remote screen access (consent required).
Help sheets.
Training packages available.
Blog for new release information.


2-Factor authentication.
Hashed passwords.
Confidential proofing for collaborators.

AlphaSSL 2048bit trusted root / 256bit website encryption.
Cipher scrambling on images.
ISO 27001 Certified.

Data Protection

My Data dashboard.
User data dashboard.
View all personal data.
Export all personal data.
Delete all personal data.
Anonymising and removing comments.
Update marketing preferences.


Hosted on Google Cloud Platform.
Dedicated GoProof servers.
Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge & all modern desktop browsers.
Apple Mac OS compatible.
Microsoft Windows OS compatible.

Adobe Creative Cloud extension.
Slack integration.
Microsoft Teams integration. integration.
Google Calendar integration.
Basecamp integration.
Asana integration.
Trello integration.
Google Single Sign-on (SSO).
Adobe InDesign CC Server.
Chrome web extension.
Bespoke development or integration project.

Try GoProof for free

Supercharge your online proofing workflow
14-day free trial. No credit card required.
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