Your company settings are based on the answers to your questions when creating your trial account.
Follow the below sets to update your company's settings .
1. Navigate to the User page by clicking on your name in the top right corner and then select My Profile
2. Here you will see your company settings which you can toggle on and off
Make all proofs confidential
If selected all collaborators will be required to set up and use their password in order to view the proof
Enable 2fa
If selected all users logging in will be sent an email verification code each time they login in order to access GoProof
Company Type
In House
If selected this will change Clients to Teams
Manager Mode
Set Default
If selected this will default all proofs to follow the Account Manager workflow
Allow Create Job
If selected this will enable members to be able make Jobs
Allow Create Proof
If selected this will enable members to be able make Proofs
Allow Create Task
If selected this will enable members to be able make Tasks